Improving your web sites can be difficult since you will have to improve your back–end code quite a bit to make your webpages function faster. However, you can better your website’s performance, without needing to transform anything at all in the background. By making use of the Website Accelerators, integrated into the Web Site Control Panel, you could make your web–sites stream and function a lot faster than before. This won’t just reward your end users (everyone likes the web page they’re browsing to open rapidly), but will even help your website rank higher in search engines.

Making use of the Website Accelerators is absolutely straightforward. Just simply log into your Web Site Control Panel and see exactly how each web accelerator instrument operates.


RAM–storing as opposed to data–base requests

Assuming you have a data–base–driven web site or web application, and database queries frequently reduce the overall performance, this could be really bothersome to the website visitors or the web app users. Looking for a solution can generally require a considerable amount of time. However, within the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel, there’s a simple solution for you.

Memcached is a simple, yet powerful distributed memory object caching platform, that caches data and objects within the RAM. In this way, the database–saved information on your site will not need to be requested each time a visitor loads the identical page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–memorizing as an alternative for HTTP queries

While using the Varnish website accelerator application incorporated into Sonic Hosting’s Web Site Control Panel, you may make your website webpages stream much faster for your site visitors. All adjustments are carried out through a user–friendly interface, without needing to create any direct alterations to the program code of the site.

Varnish is definitely an HTTP acceleration tool that can help all web pages work more quickly by saving them within the server’s RAM. By doing this, right after a web page has been opened by a visitor to your site in the past, it does not have to be sent from the server anymore, which generally will reduce loading times and then hastens your pages. It has been proved that Varnish commonly enhances site loading times with a 300 – 1000x factor.

Hepsia File Manager


Intended for making quick and additionally flexible applications

Web programmers may use Node.js for putting together different powerful and also economical solutions like enterprise analytics, real time applications and content management systems, to mention a few. It is really super fast and flexible and is also powered by an enthusiastic online community that is consistently promoting and sustaining it.

Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JavaScript engine and uses an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes its API flexible and upgradeable. This particular modern formula helps developers to easily build high end web applications using only 1 language.

Hepsia File Manager